In collaboration with Sapienza University of Rome, the Italian chef has devised a system that enables hospitals to serve healthier and tastier food, which in turn improves the physical and emotional wellbeing of its patients (45% of all hospital food ends up being thrown away in Italy). Niko Romito has redesigned the hospital food chain… Read more »
After leaving René Redzepi’s kitchens (with whom he ran Noma), Dan Giusti recently set up Brigaid, an initiative that helps schools rethink the design and functionality of their kitchens. The know-how of talented chefs is brought into school kitchens to generate real, substantial changes. They work to serve ‘real food’ and to rebuild basic yet… Read more »
Daniel Patterson’s extensive experience in fine dining merges with Roy Choi’s expertise in street-food to create Locol, a joint restaurant chain project in the USA committed to changing the fast-food concept. Far from being some fantasy around healthy eating, Locol is a very real project that benefits all involved. The initiative supports a “fast-food revolution”… Read more »
On the northern shore of the Greek island of Lesbos, cook Melinda McRostie provided aid to refugees from her harbour side restaurant during the height of the largest refugee crisis since World War II. With the help of local humanitarians and a growing cast of volunteers from around the world, she -and later on Starfish,… Read more »
Time magazine cites José Andrés as one of the most influential men on the planet. For Andrés, it’s not enough to have a vast chain of successful restaurants or to be a media figure – it’s about generating lasting change in multiple aspects of the food industry. Based in Washington, the Spanish chef has entered… Read more »
Recognized for promoting the value of Colombian biodiversity, she showcases on his restaurant Leo (Bogota) little-known ingredients while championing local communities and gastronomic traditions, being a great influence on Colombian cuisine. Through the Funleo foundation, Espinosa revives the ancestral knowledge and know-how of mainly indigenous and Afro-Colombian peoples. She supports rural development based on food… Read more »
A distinguished advocate of social gastronomy in Latin America. More than ten years ago, David set up Gastromotiva in São Paulo to provide free culinary training to young people from poor areas, with a view to finding them employment in the catering industry. He has built a community support network that includes workshops for children… Read more »
Through conviction, persistence and creativity, Anthony Myint uses cooking to tackle one of the most pressing challenges in today’s global society: climate change. Based in San Francisco, he leads initiatives such as ZeroFoodprint that draw attention to the environmental impact of restaurants and provides tools for chefs to reduce or eliminate their businesses’ carbon footprint,… Read more »
Matthew began farming organically in the early 1990s. In-between plantings and harvest Matthew developed a broad set of skills to deepen his impact on local and regional food systems. He has the rare combination of a farmer by day, a trained rural sociologist, and an MBA with a focus in creativity and entrepreneurship. He has… Read more »
A forerunner of gastronomic naturalism, Bras is passionate about land as a creative concept. An advocate for sustainability and biodiversity, he also shuns hierarchy in the kitchen and prefers to treat members of his team as “creative collaborators”. Bras learned to cook at his parents’ restaurant, Lou Mazuc, and also studied culinary philosophy and photography…. Read more »
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