Previous editions

A generation of international chefs have now expanded their role in society and redefined their profession by integrating new skills, creativity, innovation and social concerns into their approach. The Basque Culinary World Prize will celebrate this evolution.

Winner 2018

Jock Zonfrillo

This Scottish chef undertook the task of preserving the memory of native peoples of Australia through their food. He dedicated more than 17 years to discover and defend this aborigine culture, excluded from the national culinary identity. During this time, he visited hundreds of remote communities and documented the gastronomic riches that its inhabitants shared with him, researching and experimenting in his Orana restaurant (recognized as Australia’s Restaurant of the Year 2017 by Gourmet Traveller) and using his media influence and international voice to show the potential that this culinary knowledge offers. In 2016 Zonfrillo launched the Orana Foundation, whose objectives range from supporting indigenous communities in the production and fair marketing of their products to the documentation of more than 10,000 native ingredients and the investigation of new uses.

The Orana Foundation

Prize committee

Grupo interdisciplinario de expertos a cargo de analizar el perfil de las candidaturas y de elegir a 10 finalistas considerando para ello el trabajo que hacen en los ámbitos como la innovación culinaria, la salud, la nutrición, la educación, el medio ambiente, la industria alimentaria, el desarrollo social o económico, entre otros.

Jury 2018

Los miembros del Consejo Internacional del BCC son ejemplo del alcance que pueden tener los chefs cuando transcienden las fronteras convencionales de su profesión. Por ello, son responsables de elegir al ganador con la ayuda de destacados expertos internacionales, y no pueden ser candidatos al premio. 

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